Deontic Logic and Normative Systems Mailing List

The mailing list [DEON] is provided by:


This is the mailing of the Society of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems (DEON).

This mailing list is intended for discussion and announcements concerning Deontic Logic.

Moderation Principles

This list is run in moderated mode, which means that messages are reviewed before being posted to the list. The only mails that are rejected are:

Mails of the first kind are rejected without notice. The fact that the list is moderated should not discourage anyone from posting deontic logic and normative systems related contributions. On the contrary, we explicitly encourage to make more use of the list as a forum for deontic logic and normative systems community, and we will try to keep the delay that is due to the moderation as short as possible.
The current list moderators are Leon van der Torre and David Streit.


The preferred way to subscribe is to send a message to with the subject sub deon. Please leave the message body blank.

Posting to the List

Once you are subscribed, you can post a message to the list by sending a mail to the address: